Integrated Solutions

Connected Solutions

Our integrated connected data hub keeps you informed of the health of your trucks and rescue tools for maximum equipment uptime.

Stay informed so that you can be ready for the next emergency

Captium is the first connected solution explicitly engineered for emergency vehicles and rescue tools. The dashboard provides you with critical data insights so you can address issues proactively to maximize equipment uptime and extend the life of your equipment.

Benefits of Captium

  • Improves decision-making through data awareness
  • Recordkeeping so you can concentrate on what matters
  • Maintenance reminders to maximize equipment uptime


Prolong the life of your vehicle

Captium collects vehicle health data and critical component data and provides insights to keep these systems in top working order.  Improve your vehicle operations with actionable insights into chassis health, electronics, multiplexing systems, and run logs.

  • Maximize apparatus uptime with issue detection alerts and preventative maintenance reminders
  • Troubleshoot detected issues with recommended repairs
  • Integrated with Cummins Diagnostics 
  • Efficiently manage CAPEX/OPEX budgets by easily comparing your vehicle usage to make necessary fleet deployment adjustments
  • Access service history

E3 CONNECT rescue tools

E3 CONNECT tools with Captium automatically record tool and battery alerts such as tool drops, overheats, and roll warnings. By reducing inspection time and potential downtime, E3 CONNECT enables your rescue tool to be ready for the next emergency.

Monitor your tool health in a single dashboard

View your connected equipment’s overall health and tool telemetry in a single dashboard. Maintain inventory visibility, monitor active alerts with early fault detection, and manage service requests. Your designated dealer can also be informed about alerts, making the service process more efficient.

Critical alerts from the Jaws of Life

E3 CONNECT helps to enhance situational awareness and empower better decision-making with insights like:

  • Drop Alert
  • Tool Roll Alert
  • Tool Submerged
  • Temp is Critical
  • No Energy on Motor
  • And more

Smarter tools, better outcomes

Connected solutions make our lives easier – from our smart home security to connected kitchen gadgets and wearable devices. Combining our field experience and culture of innovation, we saw an opportunity to apply this same IoT technology to make your job safer.

Built by first responders, for first responders

From pumps and valves to nozzles and monitors, IDEX Fire & Safety brands have outfitted the hearts of fire trucks for generations. With centuries of experience, we’ve earned the undying loyalty of emergency response professionals across the globe. Explore our brands and see how they’ve proven trusted, reliable, and steadfast.   

Smarter tools, better outcomes

Connected solutions make our lives easier – from our smart home security to connected kitchen gadgets and wearable devices. Combining our field experience and culture of innovation, we saw an opportunity to apply this same IoT technology to make your job safer.

Case Studies

Solution specific case studies ..... feugiat orci eget ultricies luctus. Aenean tristique, felis ac blandit dictum, turpis erat pellentesque risus, at sollicitudin nibh nunc a velit. Quisque mattis lorem sed lobortis tristique. Nam luctus, lacus id euismod imperdiet, erat sapien.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Case Study

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristiq senectus et netus et.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

E3 Connect Rescue Tools

Explore the complete collection of E3 Connect tools from Lukas and HURST.

More Information
SC 758 E3 Connect Combi
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R 320 E3 Connect Mini Ram
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R 521 E3 Connect Ram
More Information
SP 333 E3 Connect Spreader
More Information
Tactical Tool 258 E3
More Information
Tactical Tool 358 E3
273423000-1 and 273423000-1C
SC 358 E3 Combi
More Information
SC 358 E3 Combi
More Information
Apollo Dual-Inlet Portable and Deck Monitor and 2.5" NH dual inlet ground base with truck mounting flange

Flagship products for the fire & safety industry

Specific products for the fire & safety industry ... ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.

Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros. Fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi commodo leo in est auctor, vitae ornare orci faucibus. Vestibulum vel eleifend eros.
